Living Fearlessly: Pursue Your Passion

It’s not easy to be fearless, believe me! I am sitting in my lounge typing this newsletter with boxes around me and wall hangings wrapped in bubble wrap. Our big move to Bali is in full swing and I am scared......... Am I making the right decision, will I fit in, will my family enjoy Island Living? A strange mix of excitement and fear.  Almost daily, we see tragedy, trauma and injustice in many forms and experience strong emotions in response. When fear  and anger come up, we may want look outside ourselves to find safety and predictability, but as circumstances change rapidly, it can be difficult to find solace.

What is holding you back from following your dreams? Fear. And sometimes we don't even fear failure, but success. 

Here are a few truths I have learned about transforming fear. 

1. Fear is a feeling, not a fact.

This is great news and comes as a surprise to most clients. Mortal fear is the only informed fear. If your life is in danger, the fight or flight response is adaptive and necessary. However, most of the time when your flight or fight response is activated, you are not in mortal danger.

You can have an initial fear response, recognize you are not in mortal danger, and calm your mind to create clarity.

2. Your mind is a bully.

Your bully mind, extorts joy and potential happiness from your life by threatening you with what might happen. A lot of things might happen and they might not, so harness the power of your intention to create what you want to happen.  

3. Be present.

Present moment awareness is essential to stop fearful thoughts from becoming your reality and dictating your decisions. Never mind what was and don’t be a fortuneteller. This present moment is unique—there has never been and will never be another. So  let go of the, “well this is what will happen because that’s what always happens.”

4. Meditation.

A dedicated daily practice of stillness and silence strengthens your “be here now” muscle. Living more in this present moment will decrease fear generated “future tripping” into what hasn’t happened and “past tripping” into what no longer exists.

5. Exercise gratitude in motion.

A John Hopkins University study indicated volunteering as little as two hours per week increased feelings of happiness and decreased feelings of depression in volunteers. I made volunteering a mandatory experiment for clients struggling with fear and anxiety and found positive results.

Fearful obsessing is very isolating. Sharing your gifts with others is the fastest way to get out of your head and into living.

Follow your dreams and live the life you were born to live! You only have ONE chance. 

Lots of love
Alka xxx


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