7 Types of Rest for Your Body and Mind

Have you ever tried to fix an ongoing lack of energy by getting more sleep — only to do so and still feel exhausted?

It is because our focus is getting enough hours of sleep when it comes to restoring our bodies. Yes, while our sleep is very important, there are other types of rest we need as human beings to show up as our best version of ourselves.

There are seven different types of rest: physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, sensory, and creative. Each type of rest has its own characteristics that will let your body know that it needs a “different” rest other than sleep.


Signs of a need for physical rest is that mentally you feel exhausted and lethargic all the time. Physically you could start experiencing body aches and pain.

Physical rest has two components - an active component and a passive component. Passive being things like sleeping and napping. We do need high-quality sleep. But physical rest includes active things like yoga, stretching, meditation and getting a massage.


Signs of a need for mental rest is that you can’t focus on your tasks on hand, your mind is constantly racing and mindlessly walking down a grocery aisle and not being able the three items you came to buy.

Mental Rest is all about giving your mind a break. Switch your phone to Airplane mode for 30 minutes, switch off your laptop or step away from your desk or shift your mental focus to some simple breath work. One of my favourite tools when I feel overwhelmed by my busy mind is to journal and make a proper to do list. I find that there is such power by putting thoughts to paper.


Signs of a need for social rest is that you feel like everyone is taking from you, you are alone and nobody is supporting or giving back to you. All you crave is just a moment for yourself.

Social rest is about pursuing energizing, positive and supportive social connections, or perhaps taking a break from socializing altogether. It requires us to examine our relationships to determine which people give us energy and which people take our energy.

Spend some time by yourself in nature by going for a beach walk, find a quite space and read a book, go away for an evening by yourself or allow your spouse and kids be a part of yourself social rest, but be crystal clear in your communication on how they will be able to support you at specific times that you need them to like making dinner on Friday night so you can take an hour for yourself or allow you the space to see a friend every Saturday morning for breakfast. Don’t spend all your time giving to them. Allow them the space to give back to you.


Signs of a need for spiritual rest is that you feel disconnect from yourself and everything around you and feel like you just don’t fit in. Spiritual rest looks different for everyone, but at the heart of it, it is about connecting with something larger than yourself. To feel you make a difference.

Find a way to connect to a purpose that makes you feel like you matter either through community, a work culture or a faith-based culture. We all have that need to feel like we belong and that we are contributing.


Signs of a need for sensory rest is that you feel easily irritated, agitated, easy to upset or make you angry. Bright lights, computer screens, background noise and multiple conversations can cause our senses to feel overwhelmed. Freeing yourself from too much stimuli can help to reduce your stress and anxiety. Unplug electronics.

Turn off some lights. Turn off the radio or TV. Meditation or even just finding a quiet space to sit and close your eyes for a few minutes everyday will allow relieve to your senses and recharge your energy.


Signs of a need for emotional rest is that you feel you always have to control your emotions and watch what you say and do. You have the feeling that you do not have the space to be authentic and express fully how you feel.

Allow yourself to speak to someone you trust. Whether it's a licensed therapist or your best friend - talk to someone with whom you can be yourself. When they ask "how are you feeling?" instead of the standard answer of "fine" try telling them exactly how you feel. Journalling is also an amazing tool that allows you to express your true thoughts and feelings.


Signs of a need for creative rest is when you have a hard time feeling inspired and it is difficult for you to make a decision or to brain storm on a new project.

Some of my favourite creative activities are dancing, arranging flowers, giving my home a fresh look by rearranging the furniture, gardening. Find a creative activity that inspires you and do that and allow yourself to appreciate to see beauty in any form, like art, dance, music, food, nature.

As you can see, sleep alone can’t restore us to the point we feel rested. So it’s time for us to begin focusing on getting the right type of rest we need, but be gentle and mindful with yourself, because as we go through different seasons in our lives our rest will look different depending on what we need in that season we are in.


My Wellness Toolbox


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